By Gemma Cleanslate
Easter Town is open for fun! Laura Liberty has opened it up for all to come
shop and play. I was talking to the unusual Easter Bunny (tina (tanyja
Resident)) who helps Laura with all the townies and is also a Santa “helper”
.There are six events of Townies during the year but I have not seen them all yet.
This is my third. You have until about the 18th to get over there and
I took a balloon ride over town to get a good overview. In the quaint
colorful shops you will find any decor you want for your home or region. I
also saw some really Easter clothes and cute costumes for adults and kids. Lots
of kids things as you imagine with Easter bunnies, eggs , and toys, party
decorations for kiddies and adults.
Outside there are wonderful games and decor to buy and you can try
them out before you invest. I found an avatar working on an egg decoration
in the rezz zone just for that purpose.There is a 7000L prize contest
going on so get your creative juices going . I picked up a cute free egg avatar
and will try that on.
There is a great little carrot car to rezz and drive around in or you
can cruise in one of the broken egg shells along the waterway. There
is a race track for peeps Races.
20 Eggs are placed around the region inside the shops and out so make
sure you look for those cute prizes while you are there. I am in the middle of
finding them so will be going back for more searching. I am glad they are big
enough to see because I give up hunts quickly if I cant find things.
Make sure
you get yourself there this week especially if you need decor for your event or
home. Easter Town will be up only until April 18. If you want to keep aware of the townies and the builds during the year
you can join the group, or you can subscribe for messages. There is a subscriber
sign near the entrance.
Gemma Cleanslate