By Deaflegacy
Creations is a beautiful park, full of people meeting each other. Beyond the beauty of the park, there is a reason. The reason is Parkinson's. I came to Creations Park during a certain time that mermaids were getting together and the piano player, Ari (Arisia Vita), was there to play the music. The music is beautiful. The mermaids are beautiful. But I came to the park for a reason. I came to interview Barbie Alchemi and Ari about the roles they played in raising funds for the Parkinson's research.
It had been a very long time since Ari started playing piano for the Creations Park. He did say that he found it pleasant to say yes when Barbie asked him to play piano for them. It also gives Ari a chance to sit with Fran Serandade, at the piano. "Yes," said Ari when I asked him if he would be playing for a long time. "as long as I can help by playing." Barbie sent me some information about Creations. I'm going to put it in the article.

"Parkinson’s disease is a chronic degenerative disorder involving the decrease of dopamine-releasing neurons in the central nervous system. Common symptoms upon early stages of Parkinson’s disease include increased rigidity of joints, shakiness and inability to walk or move quickly. Most early symptoms include the loss of movement-related abilities and skills. Later symptoms of Parkinson’s include cognitive and behavioral degeneration such as dementia.
According to research conducted by the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF), it is estimated that seven to 10 million people live with Parkinson’s disease worldwide. Studies from PDF also state that approximately 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with the disease each year. The probability of a Parkinson’s diagnosis increases with age. As stated in the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation website, less than 4% of people under the age of 50 are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
Although there is not yet a cure for Parkinson’s disease, some treatments, such as levadopa, are available. Levadopa is a chemical that crosses the blood-brain barrier and proves to lessen the impact of early symptoms. Many people with Parkinson’s report that regular participation in SecondLife drastically improved their movement related symptoms. Many of these people attribute symptom improvements to imagining themselves mirroring the physical movements of their avatar, which soon turned into the ability to actually make those movements. Research is currently underway to explore the possibility of possible scientific backing to these reports."
The information was helpful so I thought I'd share it with the world about what the Creations is all about, which is people devoted to helping the others with Parkinson's.