Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Second Life Geography
By Becky "Sha" Shamen
When we began writing for SL Newser, in 2013, our first article was about the major continents, or mainlands, of Second Life. In that article, it was calculated that one could undertake the longest possible journey, without use of teleportation, by traveling from the Southern tip of Satori all the way to the Eastern end of Gaeta. Readers were challenged to attempt to verify this, by making the journey themselves. On the above map, this journey is shown by the red line. Seven months later, one of our alts, a dragon named Katzu made the journey, which covered 25 miles and took three days to complete.
If you have been following my articles in the Newser, many of them are about adventures to places, scattered all around the virtual world, called "The Grid". As each article is being prepared, we open a "world map", which can be found in the viewer and at the website. From this map, we can pinpoint the location of the planned adventure, on the grid, and make local maps, to show greater details. The map, shown above, is a composite and shows the main part of the grid. There is more to the grid than shown here, but these fringe sims are, for the most part, used for premium account homes and land developments by LL. We have surveyed some "fringe" sims, but found little in the way of adventures to write about there. All of my articles for Newser took place at locations on the above world map. In preparation for new articles, I ask myself where have I not been and what have I not done. This time, I found myself asking, how big is the virtual world and how many people live in it. The search for the answers to those questions proved to be enlightening for me and I felt would also be of interest to readers of the Newser. An online search took me to a web page called, "Second Life Grid Survey". This page is updated every day and the world map is also adjusted daily. Let's have a look at what I found, on the Grid Survey, Christmas day.
The total number of residents is given as 44,357,627 Keep in mind that a large number of these could be alts or even bots, so that brings it down a bit. Fortunately, there are closer to 30-50 thousand online, at any given time. How much space do all these avatars have, to move about in? The current number of sims is 24,909, with 13% of them rated for [G], 67% for [M] and 30% for [A]. The total area of all sims, sea sims included is 1632.44 square kilometers. That means, if you packed all the sims into one, giant square continent, it would measure 25 miles on each side, 625 Sq.Mi. (green square on map), or slightly larger than the city of London, England. If all of the 44+ million came on at the same time, and spread out evenly, there would be 1700 avatars on each sim. The entire grid would shut down, long before they could all get on. With the typical number of people on line, spread out evenly, the number would be a more comfortable 1.5 avs per sim. This is more like the numbers I see, when I visit sims to write about. When avs gather for events, lag increases, because they are being rendered by the computer that you are viewing them on. Most of us can handle a party of about two dozen avs, but there are some clubs and events that attract such large crowds, low end computers get stopped in their tracks, literally.
Some final words on the grid map:
You can use the world map in your viewer or at the site. and zoom and pan to see all of the grid. I found the composite maps online, added details and reduced the size to fit here.
The gold diamond, just below center, is the location of the Sunweaver Estates, home to the SL Newser and this reporter. Download a copy and find your home sim. I'm going to hang the map in my castle. The sims are on a blue base, giving the impression of islands on a vast ocean. In fact, most of the blue area is really space which has no sims or servers at all. If you could go there, which I recently did, you would experience being a singularity. There is nothing to see in any direction. You cannot move and even your [HOME] button won't work. You are point A. There is no point B.
The base map would also make an incredible movie, with each frame advancing one month since the beginning of Second Life. Another animation could use overlays to show population densities, over a day or week. How about an animation that shows everybody that's on with a dot of different color,depending on the time zone the player is in real life. I don't know if the data needed to make such animations exists. It would be a major project, any way you look at it.
We hope you have enjoyed the little map-hopping adventure. Hopefully, you'll be inspired to get out and blaze your own trails, in our vast virtual world. There are endless adventures for all of us.
Happy Trails,
Becky Shamen,
Second Life,
Thursday, December 24, 2015
The Sunweaver Estates
By Becky "Sha" Shamen
When one contemplates the workings of the universe, adjusting our perceptions of scale and time, to view it in it's entirety, down to the tiniest sub-atomic particle, we discover it is all controled by a single fractal formula. This formula is the matrix of life. Everything is connected and part of the whole. The universe is a living thing. It and all of it's parts, for optimum health, act as one. Small lives gather to form greater lives, with greater powers, from clod to god, as the saying goes.

Hop on my jet hover bike and we'll take a quick tour of the six connected Sunweaver sims. We'll point out some of the better known points of interest. We could name many more, but a) after all this time, I am finding new interesting areas and b) you should come and explore them for yourself. We'll begin at the Southern end, my home in Second Life. My life long involvement with family, friends and community carries into Second Life. As I explore the grid, for new adventures, I always keep an eye out for signs of evolved communities. I've found quite a few fine communities and, for most of my years in SL, have lived in the one I love the best, Sunweavers.
Sunweaver Bay
When I am not out exploring the SL world or dancing at the many local theme parties, you'll find me keeping watch on the sim and teaching new members how to build, make clothing and be good citizens. My two castles are always open to the public and often have house guests,staying until they get a place of their own. The bay has two large nightclubs. Cutlass VI hovers above the bay and, as the name suggests, has a long, successful history. It's open on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights, for theme parties. You'll find plenty of friendly folks there. Bring your funny bone and try to out-pun Bix.
On the N.E. corner of the sim, we find a dark castle, Primal Passions club. This club is owned by Rayven Tentigo. The atmosphere is "Noir" and attracts a different clientele than Cutlass, but also hosts Sunweaver events, like the Kiss concert for RFL. There are also two smaller, less known clubs, to gather with friends; the Drunken Parrot Pub, located at the trolley stop and the Rainbow Club, hidden behind the Fire Station, for those that like Reggae music to chill by. Two more stops, before we leave the sim. To the East of the fire station there is a large structure with a landing strip on top. The interior houses our Sunbeamer RFL team meetings and a museum of Sunweaver history in pictures and 3D models of sims. East of the air strip, be sure to visit the Fimi Memorial Tree house. As we take a last look around, the Castle towers, tree houses, air strip and Sunbeamer's HQ and flying night club give us the impression, the inhabitants of Sunweaver Bay have their sights set to the heavens.
Sunny Beach
HV Community
As we head East, to this sim, we are greeted by businesses on both sides
of the highway, including Angel Creations, Alien Wise Enterprises,
Hidden Valley, Brandi's, Angel Beach Land Rentals and SL Newser's
office. There is far more to this sim than just the 9 to 5. As we pass
the Newser office, we thumb our nose at Bix and head for higher

While we are thousands of meters up, notice there are many sky objects
to navigate around. Passing through this sim, the radar shows that most
of the residents are in the sky. Ahead, you will see a large, man made
moon. Within it's phantom shell, you might find Ranchan, building her
next generation star craft. Dropping altitude to navigate, we again head
East, to the next sim.
Sunlight Bay
This sim is mostly water, with the highway and trolly passing through
it. On the East side, there is a large castle, the home of Nydia and
Brandi Tungsten and friends. I understand the castle is open to the
public and, if your timing is right, they might even show you around. I
have written about it before, so we will move on with our tour of
Sunweaver. We are now heading North.
Sunweaver Space
This is one of the older sims in the group and has a large and varied
population. Space was the previous home of club Cutlass and right below
it is the Sunweaver Mall. There are also some cool venders on the S.W
corner of the sim. This reporter loves going shopping. You'll also find
me here, every Sunday night, at the Feral Fury, watching movies,
provided free by Shockwave Yareach, with my friends. There's even free
popcorn. From Feral, we head down and find ourselves lining up for a
landing on the final sim.
Pacific Waters
We come in for a landing at Farshore Field and taxi off the runway.
There are some vintage aircraft, lining the tarmack. At the Far end,
check out The Puddle jumper Mall. On the S.E. corner of the sim, there
is a seaport for ships and sea planes. Around the perimeter of the isle,
a race track allows you to test your latest hot wheels. In the hilly
woods, in the N.E. quadrant, there is an underground bunker/clubhouse.
There's no guard posted, so walk right in and take the elevator down.
This sim is the work of the well respected Cynthia Farshore. She and Shockwave built Cutlass VI, together.
In this article, I have given the names of a handfull of Sunweavers out
of the 660 total membership. Dividing the few by the many, I have
introduced my readers to the most notable one percent of Sunweavers. For
closing comments, I asked what people liked about Sunweaver. I'll end
with a few of my favorites.
Shockwave, "I like it here. That's why I stay here."
RECoyote, "Y'all are my kind of crazies"
Bixyl, "I've lived at a few places before the 'weavers. Most
didn't last very long. I've probably called it a "prac-topia" at times.
Not an utopia, but as close as one can practically get. Little drama and
level headed discussions on how to handle what issues we have."
The saying is true, "When you live in Sunweaver, you get more than land. You get a community."
Becky Shamen,
Rita Mariner,
Second Life,
Sunweaver Estates,
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Winter Wonderland
By Gemma Cleanslate

A big red gift box awaits you in the gazebo in the
village square. In the box is a cute snow globe with snowflakes and a howling
wind when you click it created by Garden Mole. Take a look at the signage in the
village to guide you to the various sites you will want to visit. The snowball
arena is sometimes busy with avatars hiding among the rocks and waiting for
unsuspecting newcomers or having a full blown snowball fight with the weapons
you will find there. At the ice skate arena you will find several pairs of
skates of different sizes from which to choose. The Ferris Wheel is very popular with couples and
gives a terrific view of the entire land, and the huge snowman that watches over

Gemma Cleanslate
Gemma Cleanslate,
Portal Park,
Second Life,
snowball fight,
winter wonderland
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Dark Dharma's Haunted Manor
By Becky "Sha" Shamen
At our last Newser staff meeting, I was asked to prepare an article about a sim, designed by a big name Second Life artist. After visiting the exhibit however, I was more than disappointed. So I looked for somewhere else to explore. As I looked through the Destination Guide, one quickly gained my attention, "Dark Dharma's Haunted Manor and Haunted Forest." Dark Dharma was the creator of the North Pole Village & Santa's Workshop, which I had just published an article on. I was impressed with Dark Dharma's work, because it goes beyond mere technical abilities and effected my heart and mind. I felt sure that this artist was well qualified to scare the socks off us and just had to go see for myself. Yes, we are well past Halloween, but for two reasons, I'm offering it here and now. For one, this artist had impressed me and two, when my daughter was young, she talked me into playing a video game, called "Alone in the Dark." I stayed up late, many nights, playing ahead so I could coach her through the scary parts. I learned a good trick on that game. Each time I got to a door, where I knew there was a big challenge awaiting, I would save the game, so I didn't have to start from scratch if the ghost killed me.

In all, I was very impressed by what Dark Dharma created here and I am pleased to share this adventure with my readers. Don't be surprised if you find a tombstone with my name on it there.
Benten (87, 220, 28)
Becky Shamen,
Dark Dharma,
Second Life,
Monday, December 14, 2015
Calas Christmas Sim
By Gemma Cleanslate
One of the most
beautiful regions to visit during this season is the special separate Christmas
sim put together by Ty Tenk and Truck Meridith of Calas Galadhon sims. It is always so spectacular in all
its effects from the entrance to the North Pole. When you arrive enter a sleigh
for a ride through the sparkling snow laden woods that will eventually arrive at
the Pavilion.
After you admire
all the wonderful foliage around the Pavilion and the skating lake, enter the
open doors to the great hall and turn to the right to see the package filled
Christmas tree room with its cozy tea setting. (Before you reach the room there
is a table of gifts for group members) The magnificent Tree room is just jam-packed with boxes large and small. Far across the great hall is another charming
room with cakes set out for company and a roaring fire to warm the skaters. I
always find friends sitting and chatting about the wonders of the region.
Couples dance in the great hall guarded by large toy soldiers standing at the

charming village of buildings line the street there with Santa’s reindeer
resting in their stable and in front of houses. I visited the several toy
factories just filled with toys and musical instruments ready for delivery I stopped inside a home to view the
decorations, and sat on Santa’s bed (I think). The elf house was very neat with
all the beds made. They were nowhere to be found in the village or were wearing
a cloak of invisibility. There are two ways to get up here to the north pole.
The balloon ride which gives you time to relax and enjoy the trip, or if you are
short on time there is a teleport by the balloon.
The This sim is here until after
Christmas but don’t wait too long to visit or attend the parties in the
Pavilion. Dress warmly! Thanks again to Truck and Ty for their gift to the
residents of Second Life.
Gemma Cleanslate
Calas Galadhon Park,
Gemma Cleanslate,
North Pole,
Second Life,
Truck Meridith,
Ty Tenk,
Friday, December 11, 2015
Santa's Workshop
By Becky "Sha" Shamen

Porvoo sim is located in the part of the SL mainland which is perpetual winter, so we were prepared for a snowy landing. As our suroundings came into focus, we spot some signs. The first sign informs us that we must follow the path, to get to Santa's Workshop. A larger sign calls attention to the fact that there is a Santa's Elves Hunt in progress. There are 12 gifts, well hidden in the workshop and North Pole Village. We are advised to click everything, if we want to find the hidden gifts. As we walk along the path, we keep our eyes open and our radar on and notice there are many other avs on the sim, enjoying the adventure. A message comes in local chat,for maximum effect, turn of Music and turn up Sounds. Wearing headphones makes it even better. As we negotiate the path, the wind in our ears, snow crunching under foot and the tintinnabulation of ice crystals bring up the thought that it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. At the end of the path, we find a signpost, showing the direction to the various local attractions.
In the search for Elf gifts, I wanted to leave no snowflake unturned and began by exploring the near-by Crystal Cave. Seen one crystal cave, you've seen 'em all, is our first impression, as we enter, but the soothing sounds and colorful lights weave their way into the mind. It wasn't until I began writing about it that I thought something strange had happened there. I returned to the scene to revive my memories and yes, there was indeed an abominable surprise within.
Across from the cave entry, we climb the stairs to the workshop area. Here, you will find, in addition to the toyshop, the launch ramp for Santa's sleigh, the reindeer barn and a garage for sleigh mechanics to work in. You can even buy a full size animated reindeer here. Moving on, we find the toyshop. This area is full of wrapped presents and goodies to buy, to decorate your home, for the holidays. You'll be here a while, clicking on everything, to see if any provide free gifts.
Leaving the workshop area, we enter the North Pole Village, to see what it has to offer. Here, you'll find the Bakeshop, the North Pole Post office, the North Pole Newspaper press room, Elf Comm Central and the Elfamentary School, all around a central skating pond.
At Elf Comm Central, they have a high tech, computer communication system, to keep tabs on who's being naughty or nice, so you better watch out. On the hill, behind the center, they even have their own coal mine.
Santa keeps his elves well educated, thanks to the Elfamentary School. We stopped in for a lecture on toymaking, that kept getting interrupted by the new elf, behind me, Alfred Elf.
Seems that at least one elf prefers learning on his own. At his vacant desk, I spotted a big yellow book, called "Toymaking for Dummies". Perhaps it can be ordered from Amazon and arrive before Christmas.
After a fun adventure at this Santa's Workshop, I made a quick stop at another destination, where a "Santa's Workshop Photo Contest" is in progress. It turned out to be a promotion by the near-by mall and only open to their group. I snooped around a bit, to see if they had any seasonal backgrounds, for my Christmas card photo and noticed an oddly familiar old building. There was a gathering of people and animals, so this reporter inched closer, to see if there was a story here. What a great joy to find, after traveling to the four corners of SL and even to the moon, for a story, your humble informant is given a photo-op with the King of Kings.
Peace on earth, y'all,
Becky Shamen,
North Pole,
Second Life,
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Winter Holiday Village and Calas Galadhon Park
By Gemma Cleanslate
One of my favorite skating places every year is Winter Holiday Village that belongs to Mairead Fitzgerald and Karra Babii. This is their 8th year of preparing a sim for everyone’s enjoyment. Mairead is also known as Mrs Santa Claus and you will find her and Santa in the sims often at the many parties until Christmas or sitting at the ‘North Pole’ taking requests. I found elves waiting there by the throne for Santa’s arrival.

Calas Galadhon Park as you already know is another of my favorites so I will mention it here now but will be doing another article about the Christmas sim . The winter sims at Calas offer a wonderful area for skating over two sims . Cross country skiing is enjoyable and you will find cross country skis. Near the bridge there is a rezzable carriage ride, or bring your horse for a trot on the snow laden roads and through the fields. It is always a great place to hang out. This is the entrance to the parks and from here you can walk to the huge lake or stop in town for a cup of coffee before you start:
Gemma Cleanslate
Calas Galadhon Park,
Gemma Cleanslate,
Karra Babii,
Mairead Fitzgerald,
Second Life,
Friday, December 4, 2015
Telrunya and Christmas at the House of Avro
By Gemma Cleanslate
Nessa Zamora (Noralie78 ) has a marvelous seasonal sim called Telrunya which she calls “my expression, my passion, my greatest hobby in SL! It's also a home to me, my family, friends and whomever feels at home here.” In its winter glory with lightly falling drifting snow it is beautiful and welcome to visitors. It is a most relaxing setting with quaint small buildings to visit, a vast glass walled hall for eating and dancing. At the skating pond you will find free skates and some more elegant with a color changing hud for sale. Grab a hot chocolate and hang out by the fire. As you wander there are other places to dance with your honey or relax by the fire in the lodge. Don’t miss the magical Ice Palace if you are looking for a quiet place to dance. The setting itself is very relaxing and charming and Nessa suggests trying the region windlight for the best effect. but also suggests trying others. This is a great region for photographers.
great place to visit for shopping for any possible item you might need to
decorate your region is Christmas at the House of Avro in Christmas Decorations
sim. Two regions full of Christmas! It has “ 21 Top Christmas Creators selling
festive wares including Clothing,
decorations, furniture and Christmas trees etc, Free gifts Downhill skiing, Ice
Skating.” While I was there I took
a tour on trolley car number 5. Try it!
I checked out the ice skating rink which has skating balls for singles
and couples. Even if you don’t shop you will still have fun in the sims.
the notecard with easy tp points on it
here. -
Gemma Cleanslate
Gemma Cleanslate,
Second Life,
Monday, November 30, 2015
Winter Scenes 2015
By Gemma Cleanslate
The rest of November and all of December there are so many wonderful
places in Second Life to go skating, skiing, sleigh riding and so much more! I thought
I had better get going on checking them out for you. My first visit was to
the region called “Winter Scenes 2015," and I loved it!
I found so many fun things to do there: Skating, rezz a horse and ride, cuddle with your honey, or try something new. I have never before bungee jumped in Second Life and found myself dangling on a rope plunging toward earth, and it was great fun! Many avatars were in the sim enjoying the fun. I got into a really good snowball fight by the igloo with a quick little avatar, SanderCohen1 Aeon. I'm not sure who won. It was a good start to my winter tours. The sim is the work of Incendia Outdoors group owned by ĹυςĨё™ (Lucie Scorbal). I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
I found so many fun things to do there: Skating, rezz a horse and ride, cuddle with your honey, or try something new. I have never before bungee jumped in Second Life and found myself dangling on a rope plunging toward earth, and it was great fun! Many avatars were in the sim enjoying the fun. I got into a really good snowball fight by the igloo with a quick little avatar, SanderCohen1 Aeon. I'm not sure who won. It was a good start to my winter tours. The sim is the work of Incendia Outdoors group owned by ĹυςĨё™ (Lucie Scorbal). I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
I thought for my second tour I would take a look at Mrs Santa's Christmas
Market in Kikai. It is a delightful fair with lovely shops and kiosks
full of goodies, decorations and clothing and more. If you want to roam the
town square and shop here is your place. Santa sits patiently waiting for
visitors with wishes he will try to fulfill.
I took a sleigh ride which gave me a tour of the sim pointing out points of interest, a living manger , a chapel to stop by and light a candle or leave a prayer intention. There is a skating rink with free skates and a sweet carousel to ride. There are so many different creators here with such great outfits for the season. I succumbed to the temptation of some good bargains!!
I found a few freebies around and discovered that there will be a hunt beginning in December.” In EVERY stall you will find a CHRISTMAS BAUBLE WITH A DATE ON IT. These baubles are part of the Hunt. Starting on Friday November 27. From this date until December 8 there will be TWO GIFTS available each day from December 8 until December 24 there will be even THREE GIFTS per day. Find the bauble(s) with today's date, click it and unpack your gift!”
In one large corner of the marketplace any designer will be interested in the shop called Trendy Templates for all kinds of outfits- amazing things I have no idea how to use . Before I left I took a turn on the skating rink and found Santa there skating around too.
I took a sleigh ride which gave me a tour of the sim pointing out points of interest, a living manger , a chapel to stop by and light a candle or leave a prayer intention. There is a skating rink with free skates and a sweet carousel to ride. There are so many different creators here with such great outfits for the season. I succumbed to the temptation of some good bargains!!
I found a few freebies around and discovered that there will be a hunt beginning in December.” In EVERY stall you will find a CHRISTMAS BAUBLE WITH A DATE ON IT. These baubles are part of the Hunt. Starting on Friday November 27. From this date until December 8 there will be TWO GIFTS available each day from December 8 until December 24 there will be even THREE GIFTS per day. Find the bauble(s) with today's date, click it and unpack your gift!”
In one large corner of the marketplace any designer will be interested in the shop called Trendy Templates for all kinds of outfits- amazing things I have no idea how to use . Before I left I took a turn on the skating rink and found Santa there skating around too.
Gemma Cleanslate
Gemma Cleanslate,
Second Life,
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Nirvana Island
By Becky Shamen

Nervana Island: Spiritually based... diverse traditions and systems are harmoniously connected. Lovely starter homes free in your first 30 days of SL residence up at Spirit Path, Nirvana Island, New Paris . Notecard please to Sky Wildmist.
This sounded like a couple of other personal favorites, so off I went. Arriving and waiting for everything to rez, the first thing you notice is the peaceful music. As your eyes adjust, you find yourself in a beautiful garden sim. Many tame creatures walk about you, peacefully. Straight ahead, we see the Spirit Park Welcome Center. It contains a large map of the sim and TP buttons to each area. From above, the island looks like an eye. In the center are some large rocks, where you can meditate, surrounded by special effects. This is surrounded by a circular pond with a circle path that leads to odd shaped side paths, to other areas. Seen from the air, the paths look like letters in some Eastern alphabet. There could be a message, written in the landscape. See if you agree.
The various areas each have their own flavor and purpose. They even have a nightclub, called The Lunar Lounge. In one building, I found their weekly event schedule. There is something for every day of the week. For those that want to take a piece of the peace home, there is a small shop, for incense burners, chimes and gongs, Buddha statues and wall art. All proceeds go to maintaining the sim. I snapped a few photos of wood carvings and a useful poster about types of feelings, for my own use. I also got the URL for their music stream;
Just off the circle path, there's a beach with a memorial poster for
Michal de Fuego, the island's beloved gardener, who passed into spirit,
I found Nirvana Island to be uplifting to the soul and added it to my
favorite places. If you feel stress, from SL or real life, that's making your
light grow dim, come to Nirvana and let it do it's magic. You'll be
walkin' on air in no time.
New Paris, (177, 127, 1111)
Becky Shamen,
New Age,
New Paris,
Second Life,
Monday, November 23, 2015
Torley Island
By Bloodykitty Rresident
This colorful place is called TORLEY ISLAND, if you did not know. Basically it's just a place to explore around or relax when you want time away from other people or friends, and trust me the times I been here there isn't anyone around really. Sadly there isn't a lot of information in the tp besides a description and name, so from what I assume it must be one of the linden locations around in Second Life. Even though there's barely any life in this sim it's still a interesting and colorful place to look around and chill in.
I said previously I recommend hitting it up whether or not there's
activity here because of the colorful scenery of greens and pinks,
Torley's favorite color, especially because he likes watermelons. This
place basically has a futuristic and modern vibe to it as well as a bit
of techno to on the side. The great thing about this place is that he
has up a sign called, 'What is Torley?' It is sort of a built in browser but for me it doesn't seem to load anything. I assume if it does work
it basically tells you, well Torley tells you who he is. Of course
there's always the way of Youtube and looking up the official SL Youtube
channel or his private one where he does music and tutorials. I
recommend you checking those out!
I have no real problem with this kind of sim despite it being dead as
dust. Sometimes places that are dead and not filled with so much life
are places worth going to to relax, or even being there to be idle when
your doing something in real life. Even though it's rare, sometimes I
come and sit in the sim just to chill because I can't find many places
to head to that aren't the same that's saved in my landmarks folder. I
hope you enjoy your visit to TORLEY ISLAND!
Torley, (173, 151, 57)
Torley, (173, 151, 57)
Second Life,
Torley Linden,
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
"Watercolors In The Rain"
By Gemma Cleanslate
When I arrived back at the LEA Welcome Center from "The Bridge," one poster really intrigued me so I went over to Lea29 to check out the installation there. It is "Watercolors in the Rain," and I am so glad I did. This is a wonderful demonstration of real-life work rebuilt in such a successful way in Second Life. "In the real life novel, 'Watercolors in the Rain' (which this sim is based on), a tale of suspense, intrigue, fantasy and mystery unfolds. As they say, "Art imitates life" and why would it be any different in Second Life? In the book, Watercolors in the Rain, Sorsha, is a very special, mysterious, and rare, white raven from Russia. She and her twin brother, Sasha, are an inseparable team that may not always get along, but come together to help their friends, Moxxie and Crud, solve the mysteries put before them,” is the back story of the sim.

The courtyard:
Gemma Cleanslate
Gemma Cleanslate,
real life meets Second Life,
Second Life,
Surreal Skytower,
Monday, November 16, 2015
The Mayflower Exhibit
By Becky "Sha" Shamen
The first thing discovered was how small the Mayflower was. Excluding
the bowsprit, the ship was only 80-90 feet long. Today, that might be a
good size for a personal yacht, but how many passengers could endure
spending months packed together, like sardines in a can. The exact
number of passengers is unknown, but is estimated to be, counting
Pilgrims and other adventurers, crew and Captain, 135. Of that number,
only about 30% of them were actually pilgrims.
Due to a late start, bad weather and rough seas, that nearly wrecked the ship, they could not build houses in time for winter. The ship served as a winter home, for everybody, until the following March.
These pilgrims were committed to dropping out of conventional society,
to live in a hostile wilderness, to better tune into a higher calling.
Tune in, drop out? They remind me of the hippies, living in communes,
that we knew so well, in the late 60's. Makes one wonder what else they
planted, besides corn, beans and pumpkins. Having lived in hippy
communes and spent much time helping develop communities, one gains
respect for these Pilgrim hippies. Crazy as they might seem, they helped
improve the goodness of life, for the whole world.

As I sit down to the thanksgiving feast, I imagine myself giving
thanks, for finally getting off that crowded boat. Next time, I'll
travel by VW bus.
Zundra (230/69/21 )
Becky Shamen,
Second Life,
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Creations Park Revisit
By Gemma Cleanslate
I have not been over to Creations Park in a long time, though I had it in
mind to get there soon to include the Winter Wonderland in my winter
sports articles. I saw that there was a reopening of the Art Gallery so I made my
way there to see it. Bryn Oh had some pieces for auction for the benefit of Team
Fox in the Gallery. Creations Park is here for the purpose of raising
money for Parkinson’s Disease Research through Team Fox. The gallery is lovely
and is filled with many Second Life artists’ pieces.
I had not gone through this
delightful sim in a long time so decided to hang out there for a while.
There are TP boards through out the ground area where you click and end up in a
cute taxi that carries you to the location you choose. I used it several times
just for the fun of sitting in the taxi. I did walk and fly because there is so
much to enjoy in the decor of the sim itself. The views are lovely with many
trees, flowers, shrubs everywhere. The quaint boutique area has many of
your favorite merchants shops (a portion of the sales go to Team Fox). I
succumbed to buying several outfits but also found some lovely gifts in several
I took the taxi over to the cafe and spent a few minutes sitting in the
comfortable setting there with a cup of coffee. Next I went over to the beach
and wandered around where there are places to relax and enjoy the sand and sun.
I spied the hot air balloon so took off in that to gaze down at the whole town
and surrounding venues. On one side there is a Castle and on the other a
Palace. So my next trip was to climb the steps of each and get a
different view of the region. There is a Stable where you can get a demo horse
and ride the lanes. I saw someone sitting in the lovely gardens for a long time,
meditating I assumed . It is a soothing place.
There is a TP center where
you will be able to reach the other wonderful areas . Down under the waters
there is a magnificent merfolk place where parties are held sometimes, so dive in to
see it. The Ethereal place is well named as it is ethereal. Paths lead to
different ‘temples’ where you can enjoy dancing, hanging out, waters and more
surrounded by magical color . Peace Place is an outdoor venue with tepees ,
totems, homesteads and buildings remeniscent or the Old West. Waterfalls and
ponds make it another place to relax and meditate . The Winter Wonderland
area is a favorite of mine and it is always there regardless of the season
. So if in July you want to ice skate you can.
I was able to visit on Sunday
when ‘The Drum’ was performing for the benefit of Team Fox. This amazing group
performs rhythms on various drums and setups in great costumes . There are
always activities and events going on in this wonderful region. I recommend you
get over there to visit if you have not been before. I wrote about this lovely
sim several years ago but am happy to revisit and discover anew. Bixyl
interviewed the owner , Barbie Alchemi several years ago too. I am so glad
to see the project remains in Second Life.
will put you at the TP center where you can choose your next destination.
Gemma Cleanslate
Barbie Alchemi,
Creations Park,
Gemma Cleanslate,
Second Life,
Team Fox
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
By Becky "Sha" Shamen
As I began to plan on which adventure to entice my readers with next, I
remembered buying an outfit and making props for my previous article,
"Once Upon a Cure". I had intended to show that whether or not a thing
is true, it can still lead one to finding truth. I included a picture of
a white rabbit, wearing an Alice costume, pondering which way to go, to
get to the real Wonderland. Alas, I did not write that into the
We all know, from reading Alice in Wonderland, she wakes up from a dream, so no amount of scientific evidence will ever convince us that Wonderland can be located in real life. But, what about in Second Life? Sure enough, using search, inworld, brings up "Dysphoria Wonderland", located in the Oxygen Island sim. It was described as "The Best" version of Wonderland, that Second Life had to offer. If that's true, I needed to go there and write about it. I changed my av and costume and clicked to TP to Wonderland.
As the scene rezzed, at the landing, we see a large tree, with a white
rabbit and a hole at the base. A message, in local chat, tells us to
walk to the hole. Doing so, we fall down a deep hole. About half way
down, we land on a platform, with objects floating about it. Somehow,
the place feels familiar. Have I been here before? I knew I needed to
step off the platform and continue falling. At the bottom of the hole,
we find ourself in a large round room. On one side, there is a small
door. In the center of the room is a large glass top table, with a key.
At the base of the table, we see a box, labled "Eat Me" and a bottle,
labeled "Drink Me". Flying is not allowed here, so clicking the box puts
you on top of the table. I took the short-cut and just panned my cam to
the table top, to get the key. Now I know why this place seemed so
familiar. To get the key, you have to join a group and it costs L$200. I
had been this far before, but, at that time wasn't interested enough to
pay the fee.
This time, I had a story to write, so I joined. Any future visits will
be free. Key in hand, I click the small door. The door opens to a blank
texture which, when clicked, puts you in a crawling animation and
switches to a view of crawling out the other side, in Wonderland. A
note, in chat, tells you to stay on the path, continue to the end and
then stop. In places, the path is a bit hard to see, but as long as you
proceed around the sim in a counter-clockwise direction, you will see
everything, even if a few water hazzards slow you down. We are reassured
of having gone the right direction, as we spot the Cheshire cat,
sitting on a tree branch ahead. As we approach, he slowly fades from
view, leaving only his familiar grin.
Before we proceed, I should tell you, try clicking on any interesting
objects and furniture you spot. Many of them contain gifts or surprises.
Our next landmark is a house, the home of the white rabbit. Be sure to
go up to all the floors, to see what little tricks he has placed there,
for your entertainment.
Proceeding down the path, we next find it blocked by a large black widow
spider and her web. Clicking the web will get you stuck in it, with the
spider inching it's way closer. After getting free, try going around
and getting back on the path, on the other side.
Next up, we come to a windmill. In the front yard, there are tables and
chairs. We, instantly, recognize this as the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. The
other guests seem to have left, leaving a mess behind. As we sit, for a
bit of tea, we discover one of the guests is still there. A sleepy
doormouse sticks his head out of the sugar bowl. You may decide to drink
your tea, unsweetened. We get up and go inside the windmill. Click
everything, as there are many free prizes to be had here.
Moving along on the path, we notice a forest of giant mushrooms and
think we know what will be found here. I start looking for a giant
caterpillar. He wasn't there, but a butterfly was flying around a large
mushroom and there was smoke coming from the top. Clicking it put me
seated on top, next to a hooka. Knowing there was still adventure to be
explored, I decided against trying to inhale any smoke, (laughter). While
there, I took one of the best snapshots ever, as seen at the top of this
After panning the camera around, to get the best shot, I found myself
lost, when I got down. I could see, on the top of a nearby hill, a
castle with red trim. I knew what that was for, but just couldn't find
the path to it. Fortunate for me, I spotted a balloon. Guessing that it
might be the only way up, I clicked on it and began floating off in the
wrong direction. In the chat window, I was instructed to use the left
and right arrow keys, for direction and the page up and down, for
elevation. I quickly mastered piloting the slow moving balloon and
steered my way to the castle's courtyard. Before entering the castle, I
walked around it and posed for a picture with a couple of aces, from the
queens army. This place is called Dysphoria, for good reasons. I felt
an abnormal feeling of anxiety, as I entered the castle. I was glad to
see that the Red Queen was not at home. I went right up to the throne
and sat on it.
Having satisfied that royal fantasy, I got up to search the rest of the
castle. I found a side chamber, where a queen might entertain guests. I
sat down, at the pipe organ and played a bit of Bach, before exploring
farther. Pulling a curtain open, I found a stone wall, where a window or
door should be. I thought it might be a secret passage and clicked to
see if it would open. When that didn't work, I looked at the wall on
both sides and found the button. The wall slid open, revealing an
external stairway. At the top of the stairs, there was no door, but it
had the same button, so I clicked it. Now I was in the queen's bedroom.
Naturally, I went straight to her bed....and danced on it. From there, I
found her private balcony at sat down to enjoy the view and sip some
champagne. I had gone as far as one can go here, so I stopped. A word of
advice, if you're going and get all the way to the balcony, you'll see a
pidgeon that says "Don't click me". DON"T click on the pidgeon.
Overall, Wonderland is a great adventure. The graphics are great and the
sounds and scenery did produce some anxiety, like what you feel when
getting on a roller coaster. It was worth the L$200 fee.
I took 10 pictures at Wonderland. The full set can be seen at .
Alice in Wonderland,
Becky Shamen,
Oxygen Island,
Second Life,
Friday, October 16, 2015
Halloween Haunts: "Rock and Shock" and "Deadman's Island"
By Bixyl Shuftan
Halloween is here, and time to search for some "spooktacular" places to explore around in. Recently, I took a look at two. They were "Halloween Rock and Shock" at Rebel Yell Concerts and "Deadman's Island Haunted Sim" at Mystical Island.
The main entrance is right in a Pentagram. Nearby is what at first looks like a fairly attractive woman. But get a little close, and she shows a different side, "Happy Halloween!" There are a few spooky displays close by, such as the skeleton music band in the building behind you.
Going down one trail, I came across a spooky dark carriage, fit for a vampire lord. But there was no sign of a fanged bloodsucker. Maybe he went out for a bite. Nearby was a haunted house. Going inside, there were scares just around every corner it seemed. Panning around would help only so much. Some appeared just as you walked by. Definitely something thrillseekers would enjoy.
I wasn't the only one looking around. There were several others looking over the place. Perhaps word had gotten around of the sim's tricks and treats.
Rebel Yell Concerts (56, 202, 21)
Another place I stopped by was "Deadman's Island Haunted Sim," at Mystical Island. The place had a scare from the start, with an eyeball that tracked your every step when you were nearby. Not too far away is a lighthouse, with a few bodies inside. And where there are lighthouses, there's usually a ship. But what's around is a ghost ship on the shore, a lone ghost pirate standing at eternal guard with a bottle of rum.
Elsewhere in the sim, is an abandoned building some kind. It's lone live inhabitant one sees, a witch busy brewing some potion. But the chopped up body parts suggest it might not be a good idea to linger long. The sponsor of the sim is also having a photo contest, so maybe some of the screenshots here will come in handy.
Mystical Island (46, 152, 24)
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