By Deesue Parx
I step off the stage coach, let the dust clear from my eyes and stare down
the dirt road. "So this is Tombstone" I think to myself. A man on horseback
races by me, and from somewhere I hear a shout "Stop and drop the money now or
I'm gonna shoot!" and soon afterwards I hear gun shots. A little too close for
comfort. I run for the door of a nearby saloon, my heart racing. "Man down! We
need a Doc on Allen Street!!"
Yes, those were my first moments, but after spending just a few short hours
in this 8 sim 24/7 roleplay life.. I realized it was that excitement and
so much more. It is like stepping out of a time capsule direct into 1899.
The creators of this western wonderland have gone to extreme care to mimic
and recreate as much of the buildings, landscape, dress and lifestyle of the
time period as possible. Ladies in full length dresses, men in western wear,
orphans running barefoot scurrying down the back streets.

So many choices. What are you? An outlaw? Lawman? Doc? Maybe a Soiled Dove
dancing on the bar top in Dutch Annie's? An Indian from the nearby Apache
community? Or maybe just a newlywed couple looking for a quiet ranch to start
your family.. all that and more is here waiting for you.
Dances most every day in Broken Rose, Benson, Bisbee, and Black Diamond,
fight nights, live shows at the Birdcage Theater, and the courthouse is always
hollerin' for jury members. The list is endless and only limited by your
I came for a visit and never left. It happens to a lot of folks here. I'm
in the bunkhouse just past the Moving Picture Theater. Easy to find, just follow
the train tracks outta town, past the town of Goldfield. If ya get to Pearce ya
went too far.. I'll wave from my front porch as ya go by..
Oh, make sure ya leave town from the right end. The other leads to the
Cavalries Fort, Apache land and Outlaw town. If ya go that way, be prepared to
run for your life!
Pictures by Mystic Glenwalker
Deesue Parx