By Gemma Cleanslate
I seem to have gotten into tour mode starting at the holiday time, visiting all the Christmas places, then the bus tour. Right now I am checking out some of the “faux “ business places you can find in the regions of the Bellisseria continent. Instead of making homes here some owners have created open places for all to visit. There is no commercialism in Bellisseria so that is why they are fake.
What a great public library Karmagrl Nesbith (Karmagrl Resident) has set up in a San Jocoso house . There is a large adult section with catalogs, study areas, and comfortable seating.
And on the upper floor a sweet little children’s section all set for reading and fun. Good place to sit when you need some quiet time.
Johnny Chardin was at his Radio Station at his houseboat in Gaim when I arrived. It is a true radio station and also a hangout for any visitors. It is interactive so you can have try out being a DJ or producer while you are there or sit and have a cup of coffee and read a magazine and enjoy. Johnny says “Come by and see the works from some of the best creators in Second Life!Also: Everything in the HouseBoat comes fully animated! All vending machines work too! Make yourself at home :) My Stream is : “ The stream is great. I installed it on my houseboat.
I stopped over at Twofer region where Morena Tully has a setup that will lend you a horse to take a ride around the region . This is one of the camping regions in Bellisseria where there is more open land for a horse ride. It is a good way to check out some of the camping areas the are on Bellisseria.
There is a role play going on in Bellisseria. It is called Bellibin It is the idea of Diamond Marchant who is well known for various fishing aids for 7seas fishing. It is billed as, “BelliBin is a free waste management roleplaying game for citizens of Bellisseria in Second Life. You fill your BelliBin with trash, debris, and recycling. Other people find and empty your BelliBins using a HUD. “ the headquarters is located at the Diamond Outpost in Riva . The hud also works for travel around to various locations in Bellisseria to find bins but also where you can set down and look around. There are great things happening on this new continent which is still growing!
I also went to check out the new location of the SS Galaxy and it looks great. It is still missing the soul but maybe more will start using it for weddings and parties.
Go see!
If you would like a copy of a list of all the faux businesses you might like to visit in the regions of Bellisseria you can contact Iseult Ní Urquhart (PrudenceAnton Resident) , or me. I have some other lists too that will help you get around , and a Bellibin map!
Gemma Cleanslate
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