Wednesday, July 17, 2024


By Gemma Cleanslate

Sorry , I have been AOL(away on leave), sort of. I moved in real-life and had no internet most of the time. And the internet I could connect to was spotty. I even missed my duties as Greeter at the SL21B most of the time. Now I am back and ready to explore!

My friend RainDaze along with her partner Sanka (JaylenGA Resident) have created a magnificent region filled with memories from childhood with all the creatures of fables and fairytales we have stored away in our minds.

It is called WonderlandZ and is on the Shine of Love. That is an appropriate name for the wonder you will experience.

When I landed I was met by Tweedledee and Tweedledum standing by a tall house and Mockturtle peering out the window. In the distance I saw Alice talking with a Caterpillar. The Cheshire cat watched from above. To my surprise right next door I spotted a tree house that turned out to be Barbie’s home! I wondered where she lived. And near the beach was the Heart’s Queen and of course the white rabbit.

The entrance area offers a notecard of information and a teleport door to get you to so many interesting places if you choose. I enjoyed walking the paths and seeing the foliage along the way and the mushrooms that bow and smile.. There is a tall gate that says “Follow the White Rabbit” guarded by two Card Soldiers and so I did.

It was fun to come upon places I recognized as favorite memories, Cinderella’s home was the first stop. Her coach was there along with one slipper lying on the floor. Following that stop I walked on to the Fun House and entered a whole area of fun and games. Have fun in there ! Try that bouncy house.

Nearby is an Art Gallery that I would say is a work in progress since Raini will be adding photos taken by visitors and more. I believe it is called the Lunatic Asylum .There are three floors of art pieces room for more. and also... Wellness? You decide.

I passed a funeral pyre with a closed casket and after peeking inside I think the Prince did not get here in time. The three little pigs also have a really damaged home. There is so much more to see. I want you all to go find all the little nooks with surprises and other buildings and explore. See some pictures below and have a wonderful time!

Gemma Cleanslate

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