By Gemma Cleanslate
To follow up on my first article about Virtual Ability (
link), let me tell you more about what goes on during the week for members and friends of members of the group. Sunday there is a fun party at the Tavern on the Cape Heron region. This is a residential community where many members have rental apartments or land parcels. Stepin (Stepinwolf Darkstone) is DJ and always has great tunes for the party. I attended the Lunar New Year Party and went as a rabbit to open the year of the rabbit! There are other events that take place there too.

Two other residential communities where not only disabled members of the group can rent but others who enjoy the quiet living also can live. This region caters to the deaf and has a Coffee Shop replicating the real-life Deaf Chat Coffee House. Cape Able has rentals but also hosts a Museum featuring the creations of deaf and other disabled artists in Second Life. I have been to several openings held there in the past and stop in to view the art on occasion. There is a resource center with information on American sign language and more.
Cape Serenity, another region with rentals is Cape Serenity which also hosts a library featuring works by disabled authors and a poetry garden outside.
I took a walk through and read some of the lovely thought provoking poetry. At the garden I found a poem by my old friend who passed away a few years ago and was thrilled to see it again. There is still a memorial there for her too.
This is a very active group and offers something to
members and friends almost every day of the week. Linn Darkwatch keeps
everyone informed of all that is going on every week with a reminder
every day. Monday is an exploration day with ღ Andee ღ (Andee Cooper).
Her visits take participants to various sites around the grid , new and
old. The latest tours are to the Da Vinci .. one of the older venues in
second life where spending time is worthwhile. There is so much to see
it takes more than one trip to take it all in so she has scheduled
several to cover all the sites.

Across the bridge from Cape Heron is the region called VAI Sanctuary. Many activities take place here. Vulcan Viper has his game day here on Tuesdays. All are invited to take part in this activity. I tried to learn Hand and Foot a while back and got the gist of it but need to practice more. Greedy is popular as well as bowling. Wednesday There is a “rant and rave” Campfire gathering just to talk about life in general in sl or real life in fellowship. Members and friends gather just to chat about anything at the fishing hole at Sanctuary. Iskye Silverweb hosts and invites others to take over hosting if they like.

Saturday morning there is a gathering at the Project Done event. Members meet to share something that they have accomplished .This can mean many things. Some come and work on a creation while there and hope to get it done or even wash the dishes in real-life. Some come and clean inventory. I tried that once but I ended up talking so much I got nothing done! That is an early event. Later in the day is another gathering called Show and Tell. This is a fun event where people share anything, like a gift to all attendees. Gentle passed a fun penguin at one meeting. Some share new places to visit and pass a landmark or a notecard about an activity. That evening on Sanctuary there is another Campfire get together just to close out the day hosted by Stepin.
Many more interactions with real world take place at the Virtual Ability Island during the year.
“Virtual Ability, Inc. organizes and hosts two acclaimed international conference series each year. These conferences bring together noted researchers, entrepreneurs, advocates, and thought leaders from around the world. They make presentations in a virtual world environment, where all may participate. Each conference session is followed by interactive participation from the audience – also from around the world.
The International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference is Virtual Ability’s annual conference celebrating disability rights. Held annually in the fall, the conference covers legal, social and cultural aspects of disability rights from around the world.
The Virtual Ability Mental Health Symposium is an annual gathering of mental health professionals and others interested in academic and practical topics pertaining to mental health.
Both conferences are conducted virtually, on Virtual Ability Island within Second Life®.”
I enjoy greeting at both of the conferences and learning so much about what is going on around the world to help those with disabilities have a better life.
This is just a thumb nail of Virtual Ability and second life participation. The website give you more of the resources and extensive information about real-life and SL. Check out the new exhibits at Health Island too. February is heart health month.