By BloodyKitty Resident

There's a cool place I discovered through my friend from Tumblr.
The sim is called Furry Fashion and is located in the region of Furry
and is actually group owned. Besides speaking on Skype too we met up in
SL at the sim and I was offered a hosting job which I accepted and am
currently waiting to be approved or not. My first reaction to the place
was that I was taken in by the purple and black colors as well as just
the layout itself. Even though I didn't take a walk around at first
since I was talking to said friend and some of the staff there, I still
though what I saw was neat.

I'm not exactly
sure if everyone gets notecards about the place and it's landmarks but
it's helpful. In Furry Fashion there are nine or ten places, including
the place you start at which is in front of their lounge I believe. The
place includes a sandbox, welcome center, avatar den, furry mall, a job
center, park, swimming hole, special event parcel, and a rental office,
and also a lounge. While I haven't fully checked out every single
landmark on the land thoroughly as I wanted to, what I did get to see
was very cool.
Everyone should come here
whether they have a furry avatar or not, which I believe you are allowed
to come without being a furry avatar since I didn't get kicked any of
the two times I arrived at Furry Fashion. Whether your into dancing,
chilling with your friends or people in general, or even shopping this
is the place for you! Maybe you'll even get to see my hosting in the
club soon enough.
Editor's Note: I've known the owner of the venue, Amethyst Crystal, since 2007 when she was on a different account. I didn't mention the place to her, though, she found about it herself. The store welcomes all (except griefers), although residents whom have over five megabytes worth of scripts will be asked to take off objects containing them until they're under the limit (Avatar control HUDS, Tiny Empires game, etc.). Their lounge has events every evening, and twice a day on weekends. The store is taking part in both the Quest Fur Cover hunt and Twisted Hunt, in addition to launching it's own Halloween Hunt on October 1st (details to follow).