Sunday, December 24, 2017
Last-Minute Christmas Locations
By Gemma Cleanslate
If you want to take a magical sleigh ride through a winter wonderland with your honey or friends get over to Octavia for the North Pole Sleigh Ride Adventure. Just cover yourself with a blanket , relax and enjoy the view. After crossing wooden bridges on a roadway that meandered through the woods and by decorated cottages the sleigh drops you off in the center of a sweet little town.
Santa’s Shop is located here near the restaurant where you can sit by the fire or order a complete meal, breakfast lunch or dinner from appetizer to dessert . I had some shrimp cocktail, a taste of eggnog and a glass of wine. The menu is extensive!! I stopped outside to feed a hungry reindeer. There is a lovely pond for skating nearby with free skates. This is a lovely place to spend some Christmas holiday time.
Before I left I stopped into the chapel that is decorated with garlands and flowers for the season. Here is where you catch the sleigh.
Next I visited Haven Woods where Grim Reaper MC has set up an appealing winter venue. There is a teleport at each scene to help you around. I rezzed a flying sleigh and sat with Santa to take a higher view of it all. One decoration I have not see as much as last year where they were everywhere is penguins,only a few here and there . Here they are skating and playing on the pond.
The creche at this venue is life size and includes animated figures.Take the chair lift up the hill to rezz a sled and make your way down. Before I left I visited Mr and Mrs Klaus in the gazebo and had a cookie . Chances here for some great photos. Make a stop on your travels at this cute little place.
One more beautifully decorated little town I visited and enjoyed a sight- seeing sleigh ride is Ville De Coeur. The dappled horse took me through the countryside by decorated homes , snow laden trees with tiny lights , past birds chipping winter calls. The little village is very like a French countryside village with three story homes all festooned with garlands and bows and window boxes of poinsettias.
You can pick up last minute gifts in the stalls of the outdoor market .I passed a few charming restaurants and outdoor cafes while wandering the streets. This is a quiet place for friends or sweethearts to spend some time together relaxing and talking.
Have a wonderful Christmas and look at the SL destinations for Christmas places to visit during this lovely season in sl. There are more out there to visit that I did not write about. I will have more venues for you that will continue to have winter vistas after the 31st . I wish you all a wonderful holiday.
Gemma Cleanslate
Gemma Cleanslate,
Haven Woods,
North Pole,
Second Life,
Ville de Coeur,
Friday, December 15, 2017
North Pole Village
By Gemma Cleanslate
“WELCOME to North Pole Village & Santa's Workshop! Re-experience the magic of your childhood as you enter the village. Be sure to visit each of the 15 locales found here and most of all...remember to... B*E*L*I*E*V*E !! “ is the greeting at the entrance to the Village. Take a notecard from the information poster so you don’t miss any of the possibilities in the village and the workshop.The elves have a hunt going on too for fifteen gifts through out the town.
This is really a place that takes you back to childhood and stories of the North Pole and where the toys were made. Follow the icy path down to the entrance to the village. When the gates open the view of the town is charming. Each little shop or door holds a story when you visit each one.
When you climb the stairs to the workshop and the doors part the splash of Christmas color and movement is everywhere as the elves hammer at their builds. The colorful boxes are piled to the ceiling. Santa’s throne is empty because he may be out checking the reindeer and sleighs. In the kitchen more elves get the gingerbread houses ready for the ovens. Mrs Claus is overseeing the activity and handing out samples.
This is a 24 hour business and you can find some of the elves sleeping or resting and reading in their little dormitory above the kitchens. I took a peek into Santa’s bedroom on the way by.
As I left the dorm I looked over the rail down to the stables and, sure enough ,there was Santa checking his sleigh . This is a charming place to visit every year. I have to go back for the hunt! Wear the Christmas Tree Hud to aid you . Music off and sounds on to really experience what is going on around you as you go around town.
Gemma Cleanslate
Gemma Cleanslate,
North Pole,
Santa Claus,
Second Life,
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Christmas at Calas
By Gemma Cleanslate
The special winter holiday sim that is a yearly favorite spot is lively with visitors. Every year Ty Tenk and Truck Meredith of Calas Galadhon fill another region, and sometimes two, with a venue where people go to spend a lot of time. The parties are daily and lots of fun with different DJs performing. This year it is titled “Home for Christmas."
The sim is so beautiful that it takes a while to explore everything and interact with all the goodies. To see the whole arrangement take the balloon ride over the scenery. The sleigh ride through the country side is most romantic.
This year rezz a reindeer and ride along the roads and through the woods . It is so much fun to ride! Alicia Underby spent a lot of time roaming the sims on that reindeer as did that ranger.
The massive pond gives skaters a wonderful place to show off their best pirouette and jumps. Along the edge of the pond hot chocolate is available and places to stop and rest and cuddle.
The crowning glory is the spectacular Christmas Pavilion . Here there are gifts for all members , and where you always find friends sitting and chatting. There is a massive hall with presents for the Calas members and of course, the special Christmas tree room. Tall impressive nutcrackers guard the door and Santa sits here and waits for all the visitors amid boxes and ornaments. Turn on your music , switch to the windlight setting and experience the wonder of ' Home for Christmas’. This will put you at the sleigh ride or balloon tour entrance.
Gemma Cleanslate
Gemma Cleanslate,
Second Life,
Truck Meredith,
Ty Tenk,
Friday, December 8, 2017
Montecito Bay
By Bixyl Shuftan
I was recently contacted by BekNos (Becky Nosferatu) about a new city-themed sim in Second Life: Montecito Bay. Going over, I appeared at a beachfront area, with the ocean along the west edge of the sim, with the sandy beach and a disco dance floor and DJ booth on one side, and a street and buildings on the other. Although disco floor was clearly in a style of the 1970s and later, many of the buildings had an older appearance about them. BekNos described some as having an "Art-deco style." The sim was designed for a few things in mind, stores, clubs, housing rentals, and perhaps roleplay. BekNos told me they wanted something different than "grungy urban, post-apocalyptic, or sci-fi," which she felt "happens to be the main theme for cities."

Of building the place, Moff told me, "We've had building and design input and landscaping from Bengt and Moni and Chieko....Lem and Emorald helped with building. Mateo tested the hell out of our streets with his go-kart (grin). Baja and Lem helped build up our emergency services." Of how long it took to built the place, Moff told me, "I bought the sim in June and we opened, October? Hehe, I was not in a rush. I don't think anyone was. We wanted to move forward and make progress, but there were very few of us who wanted to jump right into something 'full time', so to speak. We kind of just messed around and decompressed for awhile. I think that's something that helped in the long run. Because there was no 'pressure', so to speak, we, as a team, could have fun with this build. We weren't racing the clock." BekNos commented, "Because there was no clock. It was an idea that unfolded as we worked."
Lem Aiko (LemonPledge Resident) was considered the mayor of the sim, and made decisions with a "city council" of four advisors, Moff telling me, "They are Becky, of course, Ink, MagpieHyena and one current open seat."
Not everything built was modern day in style. Beknos told me that earlier, "we had an event for Prehistorica, who released an excellent dragon and we built up a medieval village for the dragons to burn down. (grin)" She told me it was the first big event in the sim and an avatar release party, "We built the village in a span of a few days and it housed about 50+ dragons. Wanders was just so moved by our build and everything we did for him." The villiage of course was in a different place on the sim than the city, in a level high above out of sight, Moff saying, "That was Becky's idea, to use a tiered building system. So at various levels, we can build whatever type of setting might be needed." BekNos added, "And Moff went from there, a club of ours, the graveyard, and our rentals are in the air." Moff went on, "We have three permanent entertainment venues with the capability of throwing an event anywhere on sim with our modular venue. The graveyard and the Avagora are two places where we can throw special events."
One thing they were proud of was their Avatar Avagora, BekNos telling me, "It's a sim-wide store we have about 700 meters in the air, dedicated to avatar makers and modders. It gives them all one location for people to shop; remember Northstar or Rocket City? That was my inspiration for it. I've not seen another mall like them in the past, and since Modding has become such a go-to, I wanted to offer people the option to revist a store again, in world." Of the graveyard, she told me it had, "a neat little exploration that I hope to make a full time hunt system for people. There are caves under it, and I hope to find a scripter to help me set up a hunt system for it." Emorald Resident commented, "those caves were both fun, and a pain to set up."
They soon offered to show me around. Lem offered to take us around by bus, but others suggested we just walk, "You may wanna make sure your life (insurance) policy is payed up, Bix, before you get on a bus with Lem driving." The street near the beach, Moff told me, "This is Sunset Blvd. The 'Main Drag' so to speak. Little bit of shopping, some entertainment, but really built to project a, setting or atmosphere." BekNos added, "We don't have a lot of shopping just yet, but we have plenty of rentals up for anyone who's interested." We walked some distance north to what Moff called the "Corner of Sunset Blvd and Palm St. Got the Sunset Diner, some beach shop rentals, and the building that gets you to the Avagora. ... Cabana and Mission. You can get a good look at a custom building I had commissioned for this place., The Fox, and its counterpart on the other block, The Crow." "There's a lot of unique buildings here," BekNos added.
Moff led the group around the street intersection, "Now heading east. You're going to feel the city begin to change, where, you know, you could identify the beachfront as the 'tourist area' .... the nice, shiny, pretty part. Now it's going to change into more of a city feel. It's a city. It has its city things and its city issues. Fuel station, for example." It wasn't long before we were on the Eastside, "So, here we are, the 'older' section of town. It's not so pretty. Not so clean." Beknos responded, "But it has some of our favorite clubs." He pointed to one building, "Here's one of our venues. Envy Nightlife. It's for some of our more mature shows." This wasn't the actual club, but rather a "prop building" that would teleport people to the actual place four thousand meters in the air. Although some friskiness was allowed in the club, "you can't have open sex. That boils down to them renting the hotel room. ...we stay within the bounds of an 'M' sim."
If one was looking for a motel, there was one nearby, "Here it is. Our seedy motel (grin). I am reminded, it needs a marquee sign stating that it has 'Color TV'." I noticed one of the doors had police tape. BekNos responded, "Yeah, uh... don't go into that room." Moff went on, "Well OK, there is some lore here. The police are still investigating, but, umm, a bad thing happened there (grin)." Lem commented, "There was a fridge monster in there." Moff responded, "I have no idea (about that). What I do know is that there are giant spiders in room 3." "(The) spiders must have eaten the fridge monster." Next, Moff pointed out a small street corner shop, "S-Mart convenience store, complete with 'Clerks' reference and porn (grin)." "Porn is the best part," joked Lem, "They don't take cards. They have an ATM though." For those who don't know, the "S-Mart" was the store in the movie "The Evil Dead."

"Now, the actual story?" Moff offered, "When the sim was empty and flat, Twocoin studied the ground cover and noticed this spot here was a little barren. the 'sim bald spot' so to speak. He put a fence around it, and then proceeded to take, like, a month off of Second Life (grin). Nobody had his edit rights, so it could not be moved. And I don't like returning things. So for the hell of it, we came up with the 'weird' story and built around it." BekNos commented, "And, I used it as my excuse to build the graveyard; the prim around the statue will teleport you to it, which also allowed me to make it creepy."
They then showed me something that looked much more normal, a city park with a baseball field, Moff saying, "Now over here, is our park. Some team members missed having plant life and stone walkways. And truth be told, every good city needs a great park." BekNos commented, "Hey, there's a GREAT barbecue spot, okay? You can grill and watch the baseball game!" I asked if they played games there, and BekNos answered, "It's actually our sandbox. haha," Moff continued, " And from here, as you face the park. To the right is our police station which is a fully functioning RP type police station. And to the left is our fire station. And again, fully functioning (smile). And, dead ahead is our sandbox, the baseball field (smile)." Lem joked, "We use the heads from dead trolls. Kinda like stickball but more intense." BekNos informed, "Magpie gave me the idea to make the sandbox a baseball field, a play on 'sandlot' I'm sure. I liked it enough, so I made a texture for it."

After leaving the club, we started heading back west. We saw one building with a snowflake decoration, and several palm trees around it. Moff commented, "We're starting to decorate for the holidays. Being a tropical environment means few pine trees and lots of palms (smile). For the record, we still need staff to decorate the tree in there." I asked where was the city located, and Moff answered, "Think, like Key West or Tampa, Florida? It's a western beach, so....either there or California. But I lean towards a Florida like location," BekNos commented, "I'd go with Flordia; cause Lem is our Florida man." Moff then pointed out two other buildings, "And here we have City Hall ... and this big ugly building that's slated to be razed."
After that, we headed back to the corner of Sunset Blvd and Palm St to the small building that teleported us to a large mall area, BekNos telling me, "Welcome to Avagora. It's a full sim-sized mall dedicated to makers (of) all kinds." There were a large number of shops, though most were empty, at least for now. In the middle was another baseball field, presumably the sandbox for opening goods. One board had a list of days of the week with information on each, BekNos saying, "This is showing our upcoming events, while the tall (board) behind me is our directory and recommended / affiliates. Each store has a modder or their business partners in it. Naturally, since this *is* dedicated to modders and makers, it's main spot in the center is the sandbox for easy modding." She pointed out another building, "I run the Avatar Maker's Guild. This is the AMG headquarters. People can come and go as they see fit to talk about avatar making and modding, and I plan to put up a bunch of tips for people to use, as well as resources." She grinned, "Mind you the sign has sharp edges, be careful with that." Explaining further, she spoke, "The top level was originally for avatar makers only, but as they seem to be a bit harder to find, I just went ahead and let modders have them too. ... This took me, what, two months to build?" Moff grinned, "It was open well before the sim was."
Moff also told me, "This year, we're going to feature an advent calendar. Every day from 12/1 through 12/24 there'll be a gift!" BekNos remarked, "That's the one I told you that Zombiecandy is running, Bixyl." Moff smiled, "I was hoping someone knew more than me about it!" BekNos added, "She's got the whole thing going. Well, I mean, that's the extent I know, heh. I don't know who all is going to be giving out the event prizes, but they're going to be modders from all over. (grin)"
With the tour mostly over, people began heading to bed as it was late in real life, Lem saying, "If I haven't annoyed you enough make sure you come back often!" But Moff had more more place to show me. We went back down to the city, clicked on another building's TP point, and ended up in a club with a distinct sci-fi look with lots of green lights and holographic displays, Moff saying, "And this is Envy Nightlife." I remarked, "Well, this is definately after the mid-20th Century." Moff grinned, "Well, ya know, that's how the nightclub scene is. We try to have at least one show here a week. It's a popular venue."

And that was my introduction to Monticito Bay. The place is new, but the people are friendly, creative, and have big plans. We'll probably hear from them again soon.
Bixyl Shuftan
Becky Nosferatu,
Bixyl Shuftan,
Monticito Bay,
Second Life,
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Winter at Devon Dream
By Bixyl Shuftan
Every December, Safra Nitely decorates her sim of Devon Dream into something out of a Christmas story.
I recently dropped by to get a few pictures, and have a few words with her.
Much of the area was covered by a pine forest, with snow on the needles.
There was a walkway going through the forest, with occasional scenes such as a few presents placed here and there.
One thing that is different this year is that Safra has some stalls up for any merchants interested in setting some wares up for sale, for free, "free maket stalls for content makers, try make it a viable marketplace for two months."
Safra wanted there to be some interactivity, so she had a couple rides set up in the area.
In one cottage, Santa and his elves are getting ready for Christmas.
Dropping by later at night, the place had a whole new look, with the Northern Lights visible in the sky.
There was a dance floor set up on a frozen lake, with lights and a DJ booth.
The teacup ride area looked different at night, with some of the cups lit up.
This time while going through the forest, there were crystals helping to light the way.
Don't forget to drop by Devon Dream this Christmas season
Bixyl Shuftan
Bixyl Shuftan,
Devon Dream,
Safra Nitely,
Second Life,
Monday, December 4, 2017
Christmas Locations: Part Two
By Gemma Cleanslate
I stopped over at Cocteau at another fair, The Place Plaza Winter Bazaar. The kiosks are filled with more decor to help you get the Christmas spirit into your regions . I took a hot air balloon ride which gives a great overview of the varied places to visit after shopping. Behind the shopping area there is a lovely Winter wonderland with an ice pond featuring skating balls for couples or singles. Among the trees are areas to sit, rest and talk or around the fire and have a sausage and beer.There are lots of opportunities for shooting photos for Christmas cards.
Over on the other side of the region where the established shops are I ran into one of the owners, Rainie Gates (turainia) working on the Santa poses at his throne nearby. It is between the established stores and the kiosk area. This is great spot for a Christmas picture with Santa on his throne. Don’t forget to stop by the advent calendar before you leave .Enjoy!
Christmas Lane is a place to find huge decorations or scenery for your region. Buildings, gazebos, hangouts, Santa chairs with Santa, little shops, gingerbread houses, trees and so much more. Just moving along the lanes and seeing the lovely scenes I was so tempted even though I have no room for any of them at all. Each lane brings new delights to explore. Just the other day I ran into a sim owner who mentioned he still had to go shopping for winter decor and I told him to make sure to stop in this sim. Stop at all of the sims I write about!
Even if you are not shopping I would recommend you roam through the region trying out some of the interactive decorations. Look up in the sky too!
Winter Holiday Village has been here for 10 years and is celebrating !. I love this region. Mairead (mairead.fitzgerald) and Preacher (sutra.kish) . the owners , create a place of magical snow filled fun. ... it has shopping rides, daily events, Santa and elves and so much more .Pick up their notecard with all kinds of help for your visit at the entrance . You also find a tp board there if you are looking for a certain shop.
This year I took a snowy owl flight tour of the whole venue to see the new additions and changes from last year. The quaint Village shops circle the extensive skating area that winds around and through tunnels and back to the main party area. The Lodge is welcoming with a constant fire and warm cozy seating for those resting upstairs and down.
The ballroom is set for dining and for show and for weddings.
Gemma Cleanslate
Gemma Cleanslate,
Second Life,
shopping skating,
winter wonderland
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