Over 600 Surfing Spots in Second Life (SL) with Awesome Pipeline Waves! Like WAY more than real life! Dudettes and Dudes! Wax your surfboards! It's gonna be an Endless Summer!
Like check this out! A beach called Ocean Waves will lend you FREE surfboard, windsurfer, kitesurfer, and land yatch! Wow! Try them all free! Go down the stairs and walk to the end of the beach by the big kite. Kinstall Hill (
91,19, 21)

Intrigued? You ain't seen nothing yet! Okies… You can BODY SURF with no equipment… All you need is Monster Waves which are EVERYWHERE in SL! See me Body Surfing in Picture 7! HOW: Fly your avatar, and hover just above the water's surface. Let the wave catch you. Dead Easy! Monster waves that travel across a full sim here: Syx Monkies (
223, 90, 34)
Now the real fun! SURFING! One moment, I'm flying leftwards through a MONSTER pipeline wave… the next, I carve a CRAZY WICKED turn (Woah!), and then I'm SCREAMING off the big wave going rightwards. REPEAT: Carve-Turn, Scream Left, Carve-Turn, Scream Right! Omg! Monster waves in SL are totally narly PARABOLAS and you're screaming back and forth on them… Finally… MATH IS FUN! ... Wicked!
And before long, I'm paddling back out to catch another great wave! You got a freebie surfboard? Trash it! I'm serious. State of the art waves like from from HP Surf's genius Leogarto Burt will knock you off your freebie surfboard in a heartbeat! Oh my! What to do?
Dude… You got to check this out! 500 different state-of-the-art surfboards for sale. It's a place high up. It must be SURF HEAVEN! And it really is! Picture 9 is overhead view… Totally too many surfboards! AWESOME! And they are all from the top-of-the-line SL designer Sebastian Saramago, genius behind Surf Systems Inc or SSI. I bought my 1st proper board from "New Arrivals" lineup, a Drew Brophy original! COWABUNGA! Visit Surf Heaven: Tai (
126, 125, 223)

Some beaches you can rez your board anywhere. But, let's say you got your dream board and WOAH bummer! This beach sucks! You can't rez there! What do you do?
Dead Easy! Find the surfboard rez box… A rectangle a couple meters square, clearly marked! Rez your board there and you are solid gold! Surfing Funster!
Just up the hill from the Tai rez box is one of my favorite live music clubs in SL. I was like WOAH… this Surf Heaven manager Desiree Beaumont… Hmmm dead familiar name! OH YEAH! Like stole her chim 100 times! Heeee! She's super-fun hostess of the hottest classic folk club in SL… Surfside Hideaway. Visit: Tai (
211, 112, 30)
Now you got it all! Great waves, great live music, co-located! This must be Second Life!! Woooot!
Hey... like where are the 600 surf spots in SL? When you buy an SSI board, you get a gift, the Surf Spots HUD. It lists all 600 spots and gives you the SL landmarks. You can vote for your favorite spots and vote to blow away the lame ones… Here are the top spots on my Surf Spots HUD today:
# Votes Beach Name SLURL
89 Knowhere (warning)
66 Chi (full rez)
61 Syx Monkey (rez box)
59 Primworks (warning)*
49 Quan Li (full rez)*
42 Bundoran Reef (full rez)
42 Tsunami (rez box & 10 FREE LOANER SURFBOARDS!!!)
38 Pacifico Central 1 (warning)*
36 Tortola (full rez)
24 Neart Beach (full rez)

EXCLUSIVE INSIDER SURF LOCALE - Suggestions by awesome SL surfboard and "largest wave" maker Luscious Starship (Her store is at Tsunami, see above)...
(1) HP Surf is Leogarto Burt's Showcase (full rez sim) and possibly the best wave in SL, visit:
Crab Island (
19, 160, 22).
(2) Tsunami Sky Beach is a platform at 600 meters with big waves (rez box)
Tsunami Beach (
230, 124, 598)
(3) Largest Waves in SecondLife is at the 900 meter platform at Tsunami Beach (NO rez, but lots of loaner boards) Tsunami Beach (
230, 124, 598) (for example the 200 meter Cyclops Sky Wave!)
Key to Annotations
(full rez) means you can rez your surfboard anywhere. SLURL is the location of the wave generator (start of your surfing).
(rez box) Use the board rez area as in Pictures 5 and 6. The SLURL is for the rez box to get you started quicker!
(warning) means unable to locate rez box in no-rez region.
* Only found small or no waves there.
P.S. Luscious Starship also said that other founders of SL surfing who deserve mention include wavemakers: Eathon Sands and Heather Goodliffe, and perennial SL surfing promoter Colleen Brennan.
And surf fashion designer Zianna Parx contributes this SLURL, Bundy Beach and Nancy Blake's Pub, a great to place to party, shop, and surf Bundoran Reef! West of Ireland (
126, 237, 27)
Any1 Gynoid
(originally on