Monday, July 8, 2024

A Few SL21B Exhibits

 By Bixyl Shuftan

The Second Life Birthday, the SL21B is underway. The "Meet the Lindens" events are over, but there's still the music at the theaters. And there are course the numerous exhibts. Yours truly has been busy, but did manage to get the time to see a few of the many there. 

Antiquity Estate at SLB Glamorous (187/135/22)

At SLB Glamorous (187/86/22), this exhibit looked interactive. Maybe later I can see what's inside.

I came across this hospital.

 It was a Brazilian children's clinic.


I took a look inside this colorful building at SLB Fabulous (62/193/22).

From inside, it looked trippy

The colors kept changing.

SLB Marvelous (96/161/22)

That's all the exhibits we have time for right now. Hopefully we'll have more soon.

Bixyl Shuftan


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