Monday, August 5, 2024

The Buddha Garden

By Gemma Cleanslate

August is often considered the vacation month in real-life and Second Life. I seems to be quieter than most of the other months in general. After being so busy in July, not only in real-life but also SL with the SL21B events and then the Burn2 summer Whimsy I needed some quiet time. Time to regroup and contemplate. The Buddha Garden seemed just the ticket.  It is a beautiful region filled with sites to relax, consider the flora and fauna. Around each corner there is something that urges one to stop and think.

As soon as I landed at the entrance I found a lovely little building with a Buddha sitting and he offered these words “Buddha Garden: Your daily pearl of wisdom, take it and make it yours: 'Letting go is always the lesson. Have you ever noticed how much of our agony is all tied up with craving and loss?'” My first contemplation looking out the door at the vast ocean beyond.

I began walking along the beach to see if it went all the way around the island. I came upon a statue of the Buddha rising out of the water. Water signifies calmness, clarity and purity so it made sense. Off in the distance I saw two houses so I went to visit. Each contained a relaxing place .

When I looked up I saw that there were numerous Buddha’s protecting the island. Off in the distance was another island with volcanoes rising, one active and one dormant and I think the Buddha’s were watching these also. I passed waterfalls and beautiful pools with Buddhas and seating for meditation at each. Out on a tiny island I found a buddha that gave me more advice . “Buddha words. RARE: As an elephant in the battlefield withstands arrows shot from bows all around, even so shall I endure abuse.”

Well, I am not sure about that.

I found a house serving food and sat to eat . Even at such a place there is the water everywhere around that is soothing. I had to giggle at what looked like an old television that had been changed into a planter. Many books sat nearby. I learned that each Buddha statue has its own meaning and I will have to take time to learn about each with some research. I find Buddhism so interesting in its words that apply to life no matter what your other philosophies or beliefs.

Several of the beautiful temples high up on the mountain have extraordinary statues and vistas.At one I stopped to do tai chi . There are so many places more to explore here and I will return to look for more. Take time for a trip there. You will not be disappointed. Also look for another little island with a small gallery, Khin Tower Art Gallery. Visitors are invited to contact Gian if they are interested in exhibiting there, at no cost.  


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