By Bloodykitty
Ever wanted to enjoy what's left of February as well as Valentine's Day? Now you can! This may just look like a simple little town but it's oh so much more! Besides all the pretty building structures, lights, and all of the glowing lights you can shop as well! Upon following the arrows down the road and admiring the sights around you and taking note of the advertisements, it's really a beautiful place to be.
2017 Valentine is located in the region of Clover, the estate being
titled as Metabirds2 and owned by Asma Harcourt. I had gotten a few
looks around the place and even went into the main area which upon going
inside the tunnel at the end of the lighted arrows is a little market.
There you can buy from gachas and main vendors on whatever goodies your
heart desires. I would've bought some stuff myself but as a renter we
all must save a little buck or two right?
Inside the shop there
are some wonderful vendors and gachas and at really neat prices too for
those of you who are looking to save a buck like myself for other
things. The items range from Valentine's Day themed to sweet treats,
clothing, accessories, and other assorted goodies which you can't go
wrong on!

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