Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 By Gemma Cleanslate

    Star of Earendil whispers “Welcome as we travel back to Calas Galadhon's SHADOWFELL
... beyond the dark forest, quarry and the beauty of its gardens and into the swamps …”
These two regions called Mist hold the most spectacular display in SL in my opinion. Every year Ty Tenk  and Truck Meridith of Calas Galadhon work to make this experience something to behold by adding to it. One cannot just pop in and go through all the venues in one day. Repeated visits are a must so plan your time.

When I arrive and check out the entrance area the first thing I do is get my flashlight and read the posts to make sure I am ready for the visit. The nearby boat ride is my first choice just to relax and look at the view of landscape from the river. Iridescent colors and flickering lights that hover add to the relaxation and music enhances the ride. The boat carries two so bring along a companion.

Watch the shore for many creatures that hang around the bank or hover above trying to surprise or shock you .

Who did I see but Micky Mouse ! That was a shock. 

The bioluminescence of the swamp foliage is so strikingly gorgeous. One must be sure to use the environmental shared lighting though I did adjust the lighting a bit to get some photos. The boat does drift up into the air iat times to pass over the plants and trees.

After the boat ride I began a trek along the paths leading to the many venues all so varied but all so hauntingly lovely. The music all along the way is so fitting to the total experience. The signage helps direct one . Also look for Journey cloths that are teleports to hidden places . I have to find more when I return to really explore sites. Ty said more will be added as the month progresses.

The Forbidden Forest and the Gardens exploration take time to admire all the plants, trees and flowers in brilliant color. Places to sit and gaze out over the forest give time to really see what is below. The Quarry contains some frightening creatures. Orcs, dragons, demons and other wonders. Thankfully they don’t follow along the walk, just stand threatening passersby.

The Pavilion as usual is set for many events during the month. Check out the schedule.

I have many more visits to make to finally see all that is there . In some areas as you walk there are torches lying on the ground that will direct you to the proper places not to be missed. And in a few places there are teleports set to lift you to unseen places. Though Shadowfell returns every year it seems new every year Maybe there will be a TP hud later so watch for that. Here is the entrance. Perhaps you will see me there again along the paths. 

Gemma Cleanslate

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Moochie’s All Hallows

By Gemma Cleanslate

October has arrived with all its colorful or dark fun. Orange is the most outstanding color not only for decorations but the sign of Halloween. Pumpkins abound, no matter where one goes it seems. You will find at least one little pumpkin in place.

I have started visiting some venues that are Halloween personified. My first stop is to a regular for me every year and that is Moochie’s All Hallows.

"Did you know sometimes it frightens me

when you say my name and I can't see you

will you ever learn to materialize before you speak…"

The greeter says, “Welcome to All Hallows! Please respect the no nudity policy and have fun exploring. There are nooks and crannies to be found throughout, if you are willing to step into the darkness…”

Take the advice. If you bring a sweetie or a friend try the couples walk rezzer and take the step into darkness together. Grab a notecard before you leave that will guide you on your way to some of the sites. Oh, don’t forget to get the postcards from Moochie too!

Follow the various paths and see the sights. Cressida Wretched was serving Corn Dogs that were advertised as sometimes delicious so I skipped that and settled for a large cider given to me my Henrietta Hogwort that seemed a little safer.

There are many nooks to sit and relax just enjoying the shimmering lights in the darkness of the night. Listen to the spooky Halloween tunes like "I’m a Vampire Baby." Don’t miss the Theatrer on the Hill where there are classic horror films of the past showing or the “Campfire Stories' at All Hallows this year. A dedicated little parcel right at the end of the pumpkin patch will play old time radio tales 24/7 from now right through until the end of October”. Try to relax and enjoy (laughing out loud).

Before I forget there are new Healthinfo Island for October you may like to  visit. They are appropriate for the season. Objectophilia is a new one on me but check it out above the site on Dying.

Nearby there is a whole section on Microplastics which I find is scarier than any Halloween  creature! Learn about it!  There is so much more on the Virtual Ability island.. take a walk.
 Gemma Cleanslate

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The PBC's Voting Registration And Fall Arrives at Yosemite

By Gemma Cleanslate

The Premier Business Center is hosting a voting educational event through mid October. This is to prepare US citizens to register to vote in the November election and how it all works. I stopped over to check out the venue and there is loads of information available. All citizens are invited to come and get the free information and ask questions if you need.

Events are taking place also on various evenings. JardinAlexis says all are welcome to come participate regardless of intended affiliation of party or independent status. Better hurry over though in some states registration deadlines are coming fast!! Check out the map on the wall and click on the stars . look around at various posters and get more information.   
I also took a tour over at Yosemite this weekend to check out the autumn arrival. The park looks lovely with the gold and yellows in the trees and grasses. It is a wonderful place to take a horseback ride, or just walk the many trails on the property.

The link below will put you inside the Visitors Center . Gifts on the wall! I hope you grab the great winter outfit on the wall in the Center! Pick up the explorers hud to help you get around when looking for a certain destination.

I decided to take a walk on the trails and ran into a couple of cub bears wandering about. 

I finally saw the mama coming my way and moved on fast! This is a great place to bring friends or family for a week or even for just the weekend. The prices are right . Enjoy horseback riding and other activities on the region anytime.

I had not seen the new wedding and other event Chapel near the Center but got a good look at it . All group members are invited to use it for ceremonies . It seats 48 ! It is also a charming place to just sit and meditate. You can contact Jadin if you have questions.

Some of the campers have put out pumpkins and other fall décor on their camp site. Try the wall climbing on the side of the Visitor Center after you pick up the free items and information inside. There is a wonderful group however and Jaden Emerald is overly generous with gifts at random times . Casual visitors are welcome however so drop over and use the public facilities. There are often Rangers around to help also.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Bright Diamonds Oasis

By Bixyl Shuftan

I was recently looking for a place to take my sweetheart Charlee. I came across one that looked promising, Bright Diamonds Oasis. 
Bright Diamonds Oasis is a dreamy escape for couples looking to spark romance and create lasting memories. Nestled in a serene, enchanting environment, this cozy destination offers the perfect blend of tranquility and charm. Wander hand-in-hand through lush gardens, relax by the sparkling waterfall, or find a secluded spot to chat and enjoy each other's company. 
The name of the sim was interestingly enough "Lollipop Island." 

At the main entrance, there was a fountain in the water that looked even prettier when seen at Midnight on the viewer. 

Going about, the place was beautifully detailed, with it's flowers and trees, sometimes with glowing decorations. 

There was also the occasional crystal to beauty up the land. 

One could just walk around, or up and down trails and walkways.

Besides the forest, there were some picturesque structures.

Which included some nice cuddle spots, which Charlee and I tried out.

There is much to see and explore.

Such as some gurgling waterfalls. I also noticed a cave one could walk through.

There were some cottages, presumably for rent (I'd forgotten to check to make sure), as well as a beach one can walk down.

There was also a beach area with a pool and slides, with a hotel nearby, painted pink.

At night, the scenery is pretty.

A well-done island with detailed scenery, just the spot to relax and contemplate, take some pictures, or to take a date or loved one.
Bixyl Shuftan

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Bellisseria Commissary And Moleseum

From Gemma Cleanslate

Prokofy Neva has reopened the Bellisseria Commissary in Queen’s Gambit . I went over Saturday to collect my passport stamps and had to spend some time looking into all the rooms. 

It is fun place to visit as usual. The usual breakup room is in place so you can go sit and have a talk with Marge who will help you work through the tough time.

As therapy after your chat you have a choice of activities to keep your mind busy. Downstairs in the back room you will find a vacuum and pushing it through out the house can be calming.. or not. Or, in the kitchen check out the stove and perhaps learn a new recipe and collect ingredients. If you like to bring along friends how about having a pie eating contest at the kitchen table or if you like a quiet afternoon with an opponent, sit down at the chess table and have a game. Be sure to check out all the interesting art throughout the house. You might find one for free.

Prokofy has a special challenge for you. Search around the house and locate a scroll. Pretty well hidden but I found it . Then search around again and find the diplomatic pouch that contains a lovely gift . I was happy to find that and already have it out on my side table. Look around carefully because there are more gifts in plain sight. There is a notecard to explain all this. For pure relaxation have a seat in the famous Mushroom room upstairs before you leave. You may be tempted to to hang out there when the desire comes to be alone in a safe place.

The whole weekend at the Bellisseria fairgrounds was billed as “Mole Day”. The whole place was filled with remembrances of Mole activity over the past years. Photos of Moles lined the walkways and many of their little inventions were placed around the grassy areas.

A wonderful Moleseum was set up showing many of their major builds over the past 16 years. Bay city was a huge one. I remember when that opened and we went over to explore. I learned how to bowl there. I am sorry to say I missed the opening day with Abnor’s speech but glad to listen to it on Youtube.

There were parties Friday through Sunday and many come over to visit and join the fun. My favorite part was the Mole Mountain where so many of the old and new Mole bears were on display. It was a great weekend for all attendees. 
Gemma Cleanslate