"Watercolors In The Rain"
By Gemma Cleanslate
When I arrived back at the LEA Welcome Center from "The Bridge," one poster
really intrigued me so I went over to Lea29 to check out the installation there. It is "Watercolors in the Rain," and I am so glad I did. This is a wonderful
demonstration of real-life work rebuilt in such a successful way in Second Life. "In the real
life novel, 'Watercolors in the Rain' (which this sim is based on), a tale of
suspense, intrigue, fantasy and mystery unfolds. As they say, "Art
imitates life" and why would it be any different in Second Life? In the book,
Watercolors in the Rain, Sorsha, is a very special, mysterious, and rare, white
raven from Russia. She and her twin brother, Sasha, are an inseparable team that
may not always get along, but come together to help their friends, Moxxie and
Crud, solve the mysteries put before them,” is the back story of the sim.
When you arrive you will be in an outer courtyard where you can just
walk across a bridge into a part of the story, or you are offered a tp to
various venues all of which you will want to visit. A story tree in each area
will help you understand the theme going on there. One big plus to your visit
will be a hunt going on. You look for a white raven and by clicking on it will
get not only a gift but also a clue to where the the next white raven is found.
I came home with a cartload of stuff even though I am not good at hunts. I
will let you follow the story boards as you go along. I went first up and down
Main Street checking out the quaint shops, bookstores, kiosks along the street
and looking for the raven. I took a carriage ride that offers you tours in that
area, to the farm, the top of the hill where a raven also await you.
There is a balloon ride that will take you to another venue. Each has a story
tree and its own charm.
At the last venue I was lucky enough to run into the real-life
author who goes by the Second Life name of Surreal Skytower. His name is David J. Lavigne
in real-life and he wrote the novel "Watercolors in the Rain." He told me a team put
up the installation : 5aba1 Resident ,55aaa Danick, Mollie Tison,
Gearboxclock and himself. Of his real life book he says, “My novel was
published earlier this year. If you are into vampires, werewolves,
shapeshifters, Victorian London and Jack the Ripper, this may be the read for
you. If not, thanks for checking me out anyway! “ You can find it on Amazon and
it looks like it is not his last! I hope you enjoy your visit as much as I did
The courtyard: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA29/128/128/26
Gemma Cleanslate
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