Friday, December 30, 2022

Winter at Astoria

By Gemma Cleanslate

Now that most of the holiday is over and the New Year yet to begin I went to visit a more quiet place that is set for the winter, Astoria. Well, by quiet I mean a place where there is no market or selling and the soft snow is falling on woods and trails and there are places to sit and relax or have fun with winter sports alone or with friends.

Arriving one feels the peace of the forest immediately. There is a post with teleports to many venues making it easy to get around. I like to walk first in the woods and see the animals and trees and shrubs and little hidden places to relax.

I came across a feeding station for reindeer and cattle. I did not get too close to those massive animals.

Farther on I came to the frozen water where I found a young polar bear frisking on the ice while Mom watched . Again I did not go too close! I did join some penguins who were sliding on the ice and hanging around having fun. I loved it so joined them!

My next stop was at the coffee cafe where I took a hot chocolate and rested a bit before I walked on. I took the TP to the Christmas tree where I found a gift . I am not sure it will be there for long but take a look for it.

I found a ski lift that took me to the top of the mountain. A very nice snow board rezzer gave me a board that I had a hard time controlling! Ha ha! Good thing there was a sled rezzer there that was much better to ride. The lighting there is so silvery, not quite night time but close to it, magical. Be sure to use the shared environment to experience it .

I made it back to the Dickens project for a show by the VIRTUOSO PERFORMING ARTS called Time Capsule. It was lovely and thought provoking.

That is what Virtuoso does. “The message I wish us all to send out within and around our group this coming year is the magic of change, as we work to save the world resources we all need to survive now, and for future generations to come….”

Wonderful performance.! Here are some photos from the presentation.

Gemma Cleanslate

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