Nat's Jazz Club
By Gemma Cleanslate
I was enticed to visit a region by a notice that invited me to view
Bona’s “Fine Art in Visual Jazz.” I have seen some of his art at Monroe
Snook’s Studio 33 so was interested. When I arrived I found out that the whole
region, Ephesus, was reopening including a primary focus, “The New Nat’s
Jazz Club” in a part of the sim is called Paradise Valley, a historical area of
Detroit, Michigan.
The builder of most of the sim is also the artist,
Bonafidenutts ( Bonafide) Aries, known as Bona. The Gallery is across
from the new club so I visited there first. The paintings are varied. There are
bold, vivid colors in some that flow across the canvas. In others
there are delicate depictions of musicians and instruments, and some portraits.
Bona describes his work as a story that changes from the its inception as he
works with various graphic editor tools to the ultimate presentation. You will
enjoy working your way through the two floors of art. Outside there is one 3d
piece you should not miss ... a gospel choir I believe.
Then, turn and
gaze across at his new elegant Nat’s Jazz Club build. This is a main reason for
the sim and its being. As you enter the Club you will pass more of Bona’s
art. I did get a chance to attend a party there when CECI Dover, a well
loved SL singer was performing. Nat’s has a rich history that Linda Sautereau is
recreating in Ephesus region. She says, “We've combined the old with the
new.....more shops, a bowling alley and snack bar on the ground floor of the 50
Grand Lounge, a beautiful park next door to the NEW Nat's Jazz Club, with more
surprises to come!”
The whole sim is reminiscent of old Detroit and its
musical heritage. Detroit has a history of music and musicians that is
comparable to the other centers of jazz, like New Orleans, and R&B from
Motown and much more. I found a bike to rezz and took a ride over to the
50 Grand Lounge in the area called Motown Village. I saw the bowling alley and
went up to see the Club on the floor above.This is a less formal gathering place
for parties and hanging out, reminding one of the times when the great
musicians jammed after hours to the delight of the audience.
Since the sim
is so new I passed many buildings still under construction. There will be
shops to rent and I saw famous name buildings. One of my favorite hair creators
is already there. There are also re-creations of houses from the past eras
. You are invited to join the group to keep up with all the events that
are coming. I plan to revisit the region again when it is complete to see all
the final work. Go visit!
Gemma Cleanslate
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