“Without music life would be a mistake”:....."there are no facts only
interpretation,” admonitions you hear at LEA Air by FreeWee Ling on LEA 27.
This region will be ongoing and changing until May. I found it both an
experience and a real education.
There is an eclectic collection of areas. In one
place I wandered through a gateway into a tunnel passing by a bloody giant
monster raging bull and through a bone yard to find myself at a Greek temple.
Outside there stood a Greek Chorus where I heard the above quotation among
others. Inside there is a collection of ancient art pieces of Greece and some
lovely sculptures. I found the one of my favorite sites there is the
Theatrum Instrumentorium. This is a wonderful collection of information
about many superb instruments that will rezz for you in front of a picture and
give you an information card to explain the history behind it. Some may be
fictional ,some real but you will learn so much with each card. I found it
absolutely fascinating.
I moved from that museum on up a winding slope to find a
massive statue named Liberty chained which I found rather ominous. I passed
up a ramp to the roof of a building where I became part of an shimmering globe
and part of a story. I will leave it at that.
Freewee says of herself in a
statement, “I'm not really (an) artist. More like a kid in God's
Legoland. I'm an idea manipulator. A conceptual cubist. Most of my work is
clearly derivative. I see something interesting and I want to know how it works,
so I deconstruct or reconstruct the idea or combine it with some tangential idea
to make something new. I am often working on some random project with no
particular purpose in mind.”
I have seen Freewee’s work at many events and
places and always appreciate it. I plan on making return visits to see the
additions and changes and it sounds like there will be many. I have been there
three times so far and finding new things to look at and interact I found a
chameleon flyer to ride this morning. This region is right next to the Madtone
by Lorin Tone, also so full of instruments and fun. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA27/38/105/27
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