By Gemma Cleanslate
Many of the winter sims are not ready to change season yet. Yes, it is
early but I know people are already looking for the winter activities in Second Life.
Some regions are going to celebrate Thanksgiving before changing over,
although I saw some snow lingering along the roadways in places that I
know will have lots of snow and ice soon. Here are a few that are ready!
“We believe everyone should be free to be themselves, to be the unique
person they are .
so everyone is welcome here at Skate and Date..... “ This is from the welcome sign in Freyr at Winter Wonderland and train ride. Cute little penguins are circling the ice rink and offer you free skates in case you don’t have them already. Hop on the couples skating balls nearby and take a tour on the ice. Grab a seat and cuddle with your date or drop down near the fire to warm up. I spied a sled rezzer and took a quick ride around through the trees passing more penguins along the way. There is a train tour too. If you have your own train you can put it on the tracks as it is a slrr rail but you can rezz one there if not. Have fun! .
so everyone is welcome here at Skate and Date..... “ This is from the welcome sign in Freyr at Winter Wonderland and train ride. Cute little penguins are circling the ice rink and offer you free skates in case you don’t have them already. Hop on the couples skating balls nearby and take a tour on the ice. Grab a seat and cuddle with your date or drop down near the fire to warm up. I spied a sled rezzer and took a quick ride around through the trees passing more penguins along the way. There is a train tour too. If you have your own train you can put it on the tracks as it is a slrr rail but you can rezz one there if not. Have fun!
“Welcome to our Winter Enchantment, made in loving tribute to our late
friend Soraya Wardhani.....” Though a more somber greeting than at skate and
Date I found it a lovely memorial thought as I surveyed this lovely skating
venue. More penguins circled the skating pond . Free skates for both men and
women and singles and another sled rezzer await your pleasure. A fat
jolly snowman offered me a cup of hot chocolate . On the other side of
the pond I found a ski lift and took a ride up to the top of the mountain
where I took some free skis and boots and hopped on the ride down the
mountain. It was a winding trail down the hillside that gave me a good look at
it all, another place not to miss. Some of the decor is for sale .
Winter scenes by Incendia Outdoors in Dizza offer wonderful skating ,
soft snowflakes falling and a peaceful lodge with fireplaces where you can
lounge around alone or with friends and grab up for a run down. I found an
igloo with snowball fighting walls set up with kids having fun and lots of
snowballs so you can join in. The scenery is lovely with nature the object of
the region. I found sheep hunting for morsels of grass , in another area moose
looking warily at a horseback rider as she passed, and a found a bear
fishing in the open creek. Another lovely place to put on your list of winter
venues.There is a carriage to ride in and a horse rezzer for you. At the
entrance is a guest book where you can leave a comment or read those of former
visitors. Dress for snow.
More to come!
Gemma Cleanslate
This article should have been up about a week ago. Second Life Newser regrets the slight delay in in its publishing.