Halloween At Calas
By Gemma Cleanslate
Once again the owners of Calas sims, Ty Tenk and Truck Meredith have
outdone themselves in the latest theme sim for the Halloween season. Their idea
of a Halloween season is always vastly different from the usual haunted
house and pumpkins and ghouls, although I did see some there in my
When I landed the first thing I did was read the directions to be
sure I would not fail in the quest they set before us.It is best to use the
recommended windlight, enable sounds and music and get the torch you will want
to carry. We must traverse the land, misty waterways,
underground and caves to find the portal that will take us to the Pavilion where
all events will be held through out the month.
I opted to take the boat tour
first that gives an overview of the region along the waterways and also is
magical and flies . I was able to view the beautiful decor of the whole ethereal
land, the trees, flora, boulders that became mountains and floating islands and
ships in the sky. It took me into some caves that were occupied by some strange
creatures. You will need the torch when you begin your walk over the
jungle like terrain covered with gorgeous tropical flowers as large as your
avatar. There are signs to get you on your way and journey cloths to help.
spent time lost in the underground for a while being chased by a scary looking
“thing,” but was able to escape. I fell off a ship that was one of my last sites
to get to the Pavilion, so be careful how you tread (think the holes have been
fixed). I started at a midway point and was able to get back to that ship through
the portal and finally to the pavilion. Along the route one can expect to
find some out of the way stops the can only be reached by using a journey
cloth,little camping areas, with fire burning where you can stop and rest and
enjoy, or others sites to enjoy. There are two sims this year so it is a long
journey. It is a place that you will wish to visit more than once I can promise
you. When you reach the Neverland Pavilion there is an event board to check out
the dates and times. If you see the owners don’t be afraid. They are not as
frightful as they look.
Gemma Cleanslate
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